Time for Action! Only Taking Action Changes Things

Thousands and thousands of people watched the first part of the Autoimmune Vitality Online Conference and the feedback has been wonderful. 45k views in total! People have been sharing the stories, they have been excited to learn new information, and fascinated to hear what they may have already known presented from a different angle. The most amazing thing to me however is when people tell me: “I did not think there was anything that could help me get better and now I know that there is” or “I felt completely stuck and hopeless and now I feel that I have a new direction to go in”.  

Restoring people’s hope is the biggest achievement for me personally when it comes to producing events like this one. I really do not want people suffering needlessly. Autoimmunity is not only preventable but many people reverse the autoimmune mechanisms in their body purely with dietary and lifestyle modifications.

As I have said before, I think it is an absolute...

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P.O.S.I.T.I.V.E. Goal Setting for a Very Successful Year Ahead!

There are many reasons why people do not reach the goals they set for themselves. I want to share with you my own “system” for setting and achieving goals. I happen to be very goal-oriented so I devised P.O.S.I.T.I.V.E. goal setting to maximize my chances of achieving what I want and let me tell you: it definitely works! So let’s get straight into it, shall we?

P stands for Positively-stated.

Sounds obvious? You would think so but I cannot tell you how many times when I ask people what they want to achieve, they insist on telling me what they DON’T want rather than what they DO want, e.g. “I don’t want to be stressed”, “I don’t want to be in pain”. Our subconscious does not process negation (don’t, won’t, etc.) because negation is a function of language, which we can only comprehend on the conscious (rational/logical) level. This means that when you say “I don’t want to be stressed”, the...

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My Soon-to-be 95-year-old Granddad's Longevity Secrets

When my grandma passed away unexpectedly a few years ago, it became even clearer to me how important it is to spend time with your loved ones while they are still here. This is why I make sure I visit my mum and my granddad in Poland as frequently as I can. My granddad is almost 95 years old and he is a lovely man. He lives with family, who have work and school commitments, so he is still quite independent and has to look after himself during the day.

My granddad was 16 years old when WWII started and he can still remember exactly where he was when he found out that Germany invaded Poland. Just like most people of his generation, my granddad has been through a lot. He has often talked about having to eat rotten potato peels and such like when there was nothing to eat for long periods of time during the war. He was lucky to survive a German concentration camp. I should add that he grew up in poverty and had to work as a child so I think we can safely say that his long and...

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